National Numbers

Alphatalk’s national numbers includes 0845 numbers, 0844 numbers, 0870 numbers, 0871 numbers, 0345 numbers, and 0370 numbers.

National numbers are useful for a number of reasons. Some can generate additional business revenues, while others will charge the caller to dial.

Browse below to view our range of national numbers.


Platinum: Price On Application
Gold: £99.00
Silver: £49.00
Bronze: Free

S Charge: £9.97 p/month
Free Minutes: 5000
Call Charges: 3p p/minute

Category: national
First   <<  401 402 403 404 405  >>  Last

Number Price Service Charge Free Minutes* Action
03458264123 £49.00 £4.97 5000 Buy
03458264141 £49.00 £4.97 5000 Buy
03458264222 £49.00 £4.97 5000 Buy
03458264234 £49.00 £4.97 5000 Buy
03458264242 £49.00 £4.97 5000 Buy
03458264333 £49.00 £4.97 5000 Buy
03458264343 £49.00 £4.97 5000 Buy
03458264345 £49.00 £4.97 5000 Buy
03458264400 £49.00 £4.97 5000 Buy
03458264411 £49.00 £4.97 5000 Buy

First   <<  401 402 403 404 405  >>  Last

National Numbers

National numbers can be utilised by businesses for a number of purposes.

0844 numbers and 0871 numbers can generate revenue for the number holder through the volume of calls that are received. However, callers do pay for these calls, whether they dial the numbers from landline telephone or mobile phones. Some businesses will purposely utilise these numbers for customer service helplines as a way to persuade callers to seek out online help, or as a way to help partially fund customer service departments.

Similarly, 0845 numbers and 0870 numbers are also frequently used to reduce incoming call traffic to more manageable levels. Businesses reason that callers would only pay for a call if they truly needed help.

0345 numbers and 0370 numbers offer many of the advantages of 0845 numbers and 0870 numbers, though they have one unique feature: they are free to call so long as the caller has inclusive minutes or a call package.

What are national numbers?

0845 numbers, 0844 numbers, 0870 numbers and 0871 numbers are all considered to be national numbers. The caller will pay to call any of these numbers (some call packages now include 0845 numbers).

0345 numbers and 0370 numbers can be considered as an alternative to 0845 numbers and 0870 numbers. They can even be called from mobile phones for free if the caller has access to bundled minutes in their call package.

How much does it cost to call 0845 numbers, 0844 numbers, 0870 numbers, or 0871 numbers?

The cost will vary from number to number. Please enquire with the number holder for costs. Callers will pay to call each of these numbers, whether from a landline telephone or mobile phone (some call packages now allow for 0845 numbers).

How can my business use 0845 numbers, 0844 numbers, 0870 numbers and 0871 numbers?

In some ways, national numbers can be considered to be the opposite of freephone numbers like 0800 numbers and 0808 numbers.

0844 numbers and 0871 numbers will generate revenues for the business that holds the number. Most commonly 0844 numbers and 0871 numbers will be used for customer service helplines. This is to try and minimise call traffic that comes through to customer service departments where it is believed that callers would only pay to dial a number if they genuinely needed assistance. Some businesses will use 0844 numbers and 0871 numbers to filter out genuine sales calls.

0845 and 0870 numbers are again commonly used for customer service lines as a way to dissuade callers. Instead persuade them to seek out help via a support section on a website or email and so on. Much like 0844 numbers and 0871 numbers, some businesses will use 0845 numbers and 0870 numbers as a means of filtering genuine sales calls.

These numbers are all portable, so can be diverted at any time you wish. Should the business ever move premises, you can avoid costly re-printing costs for any marketing materials already in place.

How can my business use 0345 numbers or 0370 numbers?

0345 numbers and 0370 numbers offer many of the advantages of 0845 numbers and 0870 numbers . With fewer disadvantages.

0345 numbers and 0370 numbers can help mask the physical location of a business along with its size. They are also portable, meaning they can be easily diverted to a landline telephone or mobile phone – should you ever need to relocate the business, simply take the 0345 number or 0370 number with you and avoid re-printing business cards, brochures and so on.

0345 numbers and 0370 numbers are also free to call from mobile phones and landline telephones that have access to inclusive call minutes. However, these numbers can therefore be more inviting to call. Which may be preferred compared to 0845 numbers or 0870 numbers, where there is generally a cost to call.